PLASTCORNER | Reliable supplier of plastic materials

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Knowledge in plastics


Plastcorner has a precise overall scope about plastic raw material formulations combined to several industrial converting processes.We carry out any semi or finished products at the best production-cost ratio possible in order to improve and ensure that your quality requirements are met.

Our company acts as a trading platform concerning additives, masterbatches, polymers and resins. We have a direct contact with petrochemical industry that helps us to determine which suitable supply chain to use. We receive weekly reports from commodities market which are very useful in order to get a right approach about current prices of polymers and derivatives before they are processed and which help us to know exactly where to buy at lowest cost.

Our team has been working within plastic plants for the last 20 years, we really get experience and knowledge in plastics, we used to talk same language with producers and create real bridges towards their possibilities and production tools involved. We mainly sell and export to the countries of the European Union with business achieved in markets outside of Europe.

It allows us to obtain appropriate and competitive raw materials for the purpose of providing final product following its own technical and mechanical properties.

Our main added value is to be proactive and to answer promptly to your requests, we are able to orientate you till any alternative to manufacture small and medium quantities and propose you higher production outputs with best blend concerning compounds and raw materials to mix. We constantly seek and explore the way to optimize price-performance ratio regarding any goods to produce.

We keep in mind to be a steady supplier of plastic, silicone, rubber, and fiber glass materials for any graphic or industrial projects to achieve with the objective to procure accurate manufacturing tools and competitive production costs. We always continue to work jointly with our main partners in order to answer faithfully to our customer needs.